
الصفحة الرئيسية " المدونة " 5 أنواع مختلفة من دبابيس المينا

5 أنواع مختلفة من دبابيس المينا

جدول المحتويات

Nowadays enamel pins have become more and more popular, but many people still do not know about the types of enamel pin, today Hesank will talk to you about the different types of enamel pins.

Different types of enamel pins

  • 1. Soft enamel pin
  • 2. Hard enamel pin
  • 3. 3D mould pin
  • 4. Printed pins
  • 5. Die streak pin

Soft enamel

دبابيس المينا الناعمة

Soft enamel pin, also known as embossed pins, are pins with raised metal wires that are very textured. They are the same as hard enamel pin in terms of colour and are less costly, with more options and many details that can be adjusted.

دبابيس المينا الصلبة

دبوس مينا عنصر مخلب القط بالمينابطاقات أسماء النادي

Hard enamel pin, also called pole pins, have a smoother surface and are slightly more expensive. They are more suitable for different events, sporting events, and corporate giveaways, and they always have a high end look to them.

3D mold pin

3D Mold Pins

3D mold pins are also called die-cast pins, they are designed to be colourless and come in a number of different finishes such as polished, antique and matte, etc. They can be made of nickel, copper, gold and bronze.

Printed Pins

Printed pins are very suitable for corporate gifts, they can be printed with different designs, patterns or symbols and we can customise this type of pin with the company logo and its appearance.

Die streak Enamel Pins

Die-Struck Pins

Die streak pins are very similar to hard enamel pin and soft enamel pin, the difference between them is that die streak pins do not have a colour and have a metal surface, however, die streak pins can still be made in many different designs and shapes.

Which enamel pin style is the most suitable for us

The most suitable enamel pin for us will depend on our own design, customer, and usage.

If we need pins with bright colours, then both hard enamel pin and soft enamel pin are good choices for you, we can choose between hard enamel pin and soft enamel pin.

If we need specific pictures then printed pins are the best option.

If we need lapel pins, the most important thing is low profile, so that 3D mold pin is the right choice.

مخصص enamel pin التصميم

Countless customization options are available to help you create your own pins to look how you like them best.

Below are a few of the options we have available for customization:

  • المواد: Select the material color or finish for your custom pin from a range of options, including gold, gunmetal, silver, nickel, rose gold, brass, scopper, antique gold, antique silver, antique brass, antique nickel, antique copper, brushed brass finish, or black paint finish. You can also choose from a wide range of colors.
  • Backing attachment: Choose the backing attachment that suits your preference, such as a traditional butterfly clutch pin backing, rubber clutch backing, deluxe clutch backing, 2-piece magnet backing, safety pin backing, bar magnet backing, rubber clutch backing, or bent legs backing.
  • اللون: Specify the number of colors in your design, whether it’s no color, less than 5 enamel colors, or any range of enamel colors up to 21+.
  • Additional upgrades: Explore additional upgrades for your custom pin, including glitter enamel, embossing, extra backing attachments, engraving, sand-blasting, thin epoxy coating, glow-in-the-dark enamel, debossing, rhinestones, translucent enamel, or aluminum core metal.
  • Custom backing cards: If you plan to sell the pins in your store, consider ordering custom backing cards to ensure your pins are retail-ready.


There are five different types of Enamel Pins, and each type of Enamel Pins has its own different use and design, while the pattern on the outside can be customised according to your own design. So when we are buying enamel pins, we have to consider our use and theme first, and then buy and customise them. Curious to discover more about enamel pins? Dive deeper into our world of customizable designs and find inspiration on our صفحة فيسبوك. انضم إلى مجتمعنا اليوم للحصول على عروض حصرية ورؤى من وراء الكواليس وآخر التحديثات!


هل ترغب في الحصول على مشغولات معدنية فريدة من نوعها؟

دعنا نتواصل في أسرع وقت ممكن.

نحن مصنعون محترفون في مجال المشغولات المعدنية المخصصة، ويمكننا إنشاء أعمال فنية معدنية رائعة لك وفقًا لاحتياجاتك وتفضيلاتك.

فئات المنتجات

تصميم مجاني، عينات مجانية!
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